The most spoileriffic parts of the recent images.
Put your hand in the air... |
It's a Grounder! As revealed in the
movie synopsis (which as a sidenote, seems somewhat outdated now that there are two movies - and the synopsis doesn't seem related to either Butterfly or Star - are there actually three movies?), the Grounders are the followers of Wranglum. Here, we see how they look.
This next image is the big one.
Looks pretty sinister to me! |
Yep, looks like Petunia is the Filly form of Wranglum.
(misspelled "Wralglum" in this image). The color scheme is pretty similar, too.
Purpley! |
If the scene from the holiday promo is indeed taken from the "blue rainbow" episode, then it seems that Wranglum will be in this Filly form (disguise?) in at least that episode. This raises the question: will Wranglum be infiltrating Funtasia this way for multiple episodes? And is this something which is supposed to be secret to the audience or do we find out about it right away? I don't really know that, which is why I created this separate page to preserve the potential surprise. Though if you're reading this, it's already been ruined for you. Well, that's really really it, at least for now!