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07 August, 2024

Filly Funtasia news: Delayed again? New concept art, possible spoilers

In true Funtasia fashion.

It's been a while!

Last year, we reported on a trailer for the second season of Filly Funtasia possibly dropping during 2023. It has now been almost a year and a half since our last post, yet no word has been heard on when exactly Filly Funtasia will be continuing. We're past halfway through the fourth consecutive year with no new episodes, has the show been dropped? Let's go over what we know about the elusive Season 2 (or 3) of Filly Funtasia.

To start off: No, Filly Funtasia has not been dropped. As a matter of fact, Filly continues to be active on social media and toy fairs are regularly being visited. According to the information on B-Water's site (one of the studios handling Filly Funtasia's production), their involvement on the show would have continued until at least March of 2021, meaning new episodes were still in production months after the last batch had already released.

The Filly Funtasia brand is being constantly promoted in China. (Source)

Delays are definitely not unheard of for Filly Funtasia, as was covered in the previous article. Not long after the post about the trailer went live, the official Chinese Filly Funtasia site was updated mentioning the new season, now "expected to be released in 2024". Since then, there hasn't been new reports on whether or not the release was delayed, and the page has remained unchanged since 2023.

Does this mean the show is coming back this year, then? Back in May this year, a fan emailed Michelle Yu Du, a character designer who worked on the show, and this is what she replied:

Wait, what's this I hear about Chinese elements?

So, there we have it! If there indeed isn't a delay, we might be getting new episodes in 2024, after all. Keep in mind that Michelle Yu Du's involvement was limited to early concept work and she might not be up to date on all the news regarding the production of the show, so we've yet to have an actual confirmation on whether the new season is coming soon or not. 

What do you think? There's five months left of 2024, is Filly Funtasia still in time to surprise us with new episodes this year?

Now, let's move onto more exciting news, because we might have our first look of what's coming in the next season! Spoilers ahead.

In her portfolio site, Michelle Yu Du has shared some of the work she did for the show, showcasing seven new characters. As confirmed in her email, these characters were designed for an upcoming season of Filly Funtasia.

But wait, these don't look like any of the Filly races we now of! Actually... are these even Fillys to begin with?

There's a guy, Niumo, resembling an ox, a girl named Hulina who resembles a deer, and what looks like five qilin (legendary Chinese creatures that in some depictions look like a mix between a horse and a Chinese dragon,) named Samira, Roxy, Lex, Shikro and Principal Sirius. Each of them appears to be themed around an element or a characteristic gemstone, similar to how Fillys in most toylines were grouped based on different themes. All seven characters seem to be designed around Chinese culture and folklore. Maybe the Fillys will be traveling to a new land inspired by China?

You can find some more concepts linked in Michelle's portfolio.

While it remains uncertain whether the new season will be debuting within the next months or not, it looks like we have something exciting to look forward to!