22 December, 2020

Filly Funtasia Season 2 Trailer 2 - Spoilers!

More news, more Filly!

New episodes of Filly Funtasia are just around the corner, and we're getting more and more new stuff from them. This time we have a sort of a sequel to the previous "season 2" trailer.

This new 30 second long video contains a plethora of short clips from the upcoming episodes, and as far as I can tell, all of them are new - there are no repeating clips from the previous trailer, although some of the clips seem to be taken from the same scenes, giving more context to them.

That said, this trailer is obviously full of spoilers for the upcoming episodes - this time including seemingly pretty major spoilers. Please keep that in mind when you decide whether to watch this trailer or not, and, of course, when you discuss its contents with others. The episodes are premiering in mere days, so should you decide against watching, the wait isn't going to be that long!

Find the trailer below: