20 February, 2018

Filly Funtasia in 2019

It’s been a while since we had anything to report. In fact, there’s been no official communication of note about Filly Funtasia since BRB disavowed the show in late 2016 and no official communication of note about Filly in general since Dracco signed a deal with Goliath in spring 2017. Accordingly, we haven't posted any articles at all on Funtasia Daily for about half a year as there hasn't been much to report on. Considering all of this, it would not be too unreasonable to think Filly Funtasia has simply been abandoned and forgotten by everyone.

But it has not. The founders of Dracco, brothers Henrik and Jacob Andersen, have conducted an interview with Danish business website Finans.dk where they reveal, among other things, that Filly Funtasia has a new projected release date - 2019.

The information is divided into two rather long articles. Both of them are in Danish and one of them is locked behind a paywall, so this article will contain a summary of the information in both of them along with background information for context.