11 April, 2016

BRB at MIPTV 2016: Day 4

MIPTV 2016 has come to an end. Unlike MIPTV 2015, this time there is relatively important news: the TV show is now accompanied by two specials. The photo shown a couple of days ago implied that these specials are called Filly Butterfly and Filly Stars, but now we know a lot more, thanks to an issue of MIPTV news, available here: https://issuu.com/mipmarkets/docs/miptv_2016_news_2
Interestingly enough, Filly Funtasia is the only property of BRB that gets mentioned. And thanks to this mention, we now know that:
  • The specials' names are, indeed, "Filly Butterfly" and "Filly Stars";
  • Each special is 75 minutes long;
  • The specials come before the show;
  • The specials take place in the Academy.
Of course, the authors of that short article are not BRB themselves, and so there is still room for the possibility that these details may not reflect reality. We'll see!