15 March, 2016

BRB Internacional to be at MIPTV 2016 (April 4-7)

The annual TV and digital content event in Cannes, France is once again fast approaching. Much like its Autumn cousin MIPCOM, MIPTV offers many professionals a chance to gather and make deals, as well as showcase various media products. BRB Internacional has been traditionally attending this event with its own products, one of which is, in fact, Filly Funtasia.

This year is no exception, as BRB Internacional is confirmed to attend MIPTV 2016, on 4-7 of April. One of the reasons to draw attention to this event is that usually it is accompanied by a new teaser trailer for Filly Funtasia - although last year's MIPTV lacked it, MIPTV 2014 brought the so-called promo 3, while MIPCOM 2015 got promo 5. Let's see if this time we'll get another batch of new footage to gawk at!