26 October, 2013

Character Roundup

It looks like we've finally got bios for all our five main Fillies! To compile what various Funtasia fans have managed to find out so far, here's a post summarizing the all information available about our characters. Check it out after the break.

This is Rose! She's the main character, according to (among other articles), this one from Animation Magazine. The show will center on her time at The Royal Magic Academy. (well, that's what the trailer calls it, though the article linked above calls it "Funtasia’s School of Magic") According to the toy site, she is a Unicorn Filly from the island of Amoria.

She was described as the "Friendly" character by the alleged BRB representative on an imageboard. Her bio from the toy site is here:
"Rose, the daughter of Leaf, is very fond of art and painting. When she is not helping her mother in her restaurant, she can spend hours in the garden painting wonderful pictures."

That's Will, or "Willow" as he is called on the toy site. He's a Fairy Filly. (yes, they're all called Fillies, even the male characters) He was described as the "Trickster" of the group. On the toy site, he is listed at the "Pink Bellflower", so I guess he lived in a flower?
I don't even know.
Here's his bio from the toy site:
"Willow is always seen balancing on a log of wood. Hanging from a tree or doing some other daring stunts. His father Fawn states that he is hopeless but secretly he knows that his son will be a great acrobat one day."

There's also a family tree available.

Next up is Bella, or "Isabella" as she is listed on the toy site. She's an Elf Filly. Take note of the pointy ears! It turns out that the comic we posted earlier actually featured her, under the name Isabella. She was described as the "Loyal" one in the group. On the Elf Filly toy site (which like the Witchy Filly toy site is very unfinished and thus unlisted in the website's navigation), she is listed at the "Magic Bella Villa", and also at the "Manison House - Pretty", but that might just be temporary since that part of the site looks particularly unfinished.

"Isabella is the protector of the birds in Emoica and can speak to them. She is always in a good mood and loves to spend hours in the beautiful nature of Emoica. She knows nothing better than to go on exciting adventures with her best friend, Prince Xander."
Also, at the Magic Bella Villa listing, we have what seems to be a family tree.

 A sidenote here is that her father, Florian, seems to be in the trailer:
This Filly is believed to be Florian.
He's apparently a science teacher or something! His bio is also available:
"In his dusty and old laboratory, Florian is always trying to make a new invention, making a painting or find out the true secret of beauty. The other Filly Elves love paying him a visit and see what his newest project is."
The Elf Fillies (well, they spell it Filly Elves, but that seems ungrammatical to me) all seem to have winged crowns. Why? I don't really know. On to the next character.
That's Cedric! He only appears very briefly in the trailer, unlike the other main characters. On the toy site, he is listed at "Filly Princess". His bio is listed below:
"Prince Cedric loves tournaments! Even though his parents keep reminding him that he is a prince and that he should act like a prince, he often sneaks out and helps the esquires at the ring of the castle grounds."
Cedric was described by the alleged BRB source as the "Intelligent" one, which seems kind of odd considering the toy bio lists his intelligence as a mere "200". Or maybe this is just an indication that we should not take those numbers very seriously. Cedric is listed at the Castle of Sirona.
Cedric's family tree is also listed.
Well, on to the last of our main Fillies!
It's Lynn, the Witchy Filly! Although I stated in the Witchy Filly post that her bio was not available, not so! It is available, but not in the English version. The German version did have a bio available. Here it is, and a translation of it as well:
Translation: "Little Lynn is convinced that she won't be able to use magic, and that her cape has no power. But whenever Lynn is in a bad mood, thunder comes up. Perhaps she just has to believe in herself?"
Lynn was described as the "Adventurer". Additionally, she seems to be a Wind Filly.
Translation: "Watch out! The Wind-Fillys are incredibly playful, but they can be very unpredictable as well! They have the ability to control the weather - if one of them is in a bad mood, a storm can come up!"
Lynn's green Wind Filly cape can be viewed briefly in the trailer:

Well, that's the last of our main Fillies, but we have more characters!  In the flyer we found out about our main villains who try to steal the magic of the kingdom: The Wizard of the Dark Mirror and Battiwigs. They're both in the trailer too.

The Wizard of the Dark Mirror
And that's it, at least for now!


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